We’re excited to announce the September Goddess Spotlight, Jamie! Every month we feature one of our amazing members as the Spotlight of the month. Keep reading below to learn a bit more about Jamie.

What inspires you?

Being able to witness the little glimmers in the world; the smile on someone’s face when they’re complimented by a random stranger, the fluffy little pollen pockets on a bee’s leg, the way the streets sparkle after a fresh rain. All the special moments that remind me this life is beautiful and to strive to add a little sparkle to it each day. 

What brought you to RGF?

My partner and I wanted to try out the aerial hammock class so we snagged a package of classes just to give it a try. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of the studio?

I love to play board games (but like, the easy kind), indoor cycling, puzzling with some tea, watch chipmunks run around the yard, grabbing a canvas or a wall to paint on, or whatever other craft has caught my eye recently. 

What is your favorite thing about aerial dance?

It’s really hard to pick a favorite here because aerial has really elevated my life in countless ways. It gave me a home for my mind switch into another gear, to relax and be fully present and connected my body. I get to be away from all of the screens and notifications and just have a unique moment with the music, with my peers, and just be. You don’t get peace like that in many places.