Looking for something that you can do at home to work on your pole and/or aerial skills? Try out these exercises that are aimed towards improving your inverts! The great thing about these exercises is that no apparatus or special equipment is needed, so they can be done anywhere. These exercises help build the core strength that is needed to perform inverts cleanly. As always, make sure you are thoroughly warmed up before attempting any of these exercises.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind while doing these exercises:

  1. Keep the core engaged the whole time. Think about pulling the navel towards the spine.
  2. Avoid using momentum. Focus on using your muscles to control your movement for a more effective exercise.
  3. Listen to your body. Slowly work up to increasing the number of repetitions and/or sets that you do.

Hip Lifts

Begin lying on your back, arms along your side with the palms down on the ground. Lift the legs up to 90 degrees. Press through the hands as you lift the hips up off the ground, reaching the feet towards the ceiling. Slowly lower back down with control. The knees can be bent or straight as you perform this exercise.

We suggest starting with 1 set of 5-15 repetitions. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and/or sets.


  • After completing one hip lift, lower the legs down slightly towards the ground (but no lower than 45 degrees) before bringing the legs back up to 90 degrees. Ensure that you are not using momentum to help you lift the hips back up after raising the legs. 
  • Diamond legs – Bring the toes together to meet while keeping the legs bent and the knees slightly turned out. From this position lift the hips up and lower back down.


Begin lying on your back, arms along your side with the palms down on the  ground. Bring the legs up to 90 degrees. Press your hands into the ground as you lift the hips up and reach the legs overhead, bringing the legs parallel to the floor. Lower down slowly back to the starting position, using your abs to control the descent. 

We suggest starting with 1 set of 5-15 repetitions. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and/or sets.


  • After completing one rollover, lower the legs down slightly towards the ground (but no lower than 45 degrees) before bringing the legs back up to 90 degrees. Ensure that you are not using momentum to help you lift the hips back up after raising the legs. 
  • Keep the legs bent. Tuck the knees in towards your chest. Press your hands into the ground as you lift the hips up and bring the knees towards the head. Lower down slowly back to the starting position, using your abs to control the descent. 


Begin lying on your back and extend the arms overhead. Engage the core, pulling the navel towards the spine. Keep the legs together as you raise them up and simultaneously lift the upper body off of the ground. Reach towards the toes with your hands. Slowly lower back down. 

We suggest starting with 1 set of 5-15 repetitions. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and/or sets.


  • Bring the legs up into a straddle position, reaching your arms forward between the legs.


Begin in a seated position with your legs bent in front of you and soles of the feet placed on the ground. Maintain length in your spine as you either lift one leg at a time or both together up into a tabletop position (thighs should be at about a 45 degree angle from the floor), balancing on your sit bones. Extend the arms forward so that they are parallel to the floor. 

Aim to hold this pose for about 10 seconds, slowly working up to a minute. 


  • Extend the legs out straight at a 45 degree angle.  

Is there a core exercise you love that we haven’t included here? Let us know in the comments below!