
What inspires you? 

I am inspired by those around me.  My family and friends motivate me to be my best (favorite) version of myself.

What brought you to RGF?  

I was feeling stuck/unhappy with certain aspects of my life and wanted a change. I had stopped working out and was feeling blah.  I wanted to start working out but was looking for something that would be fun so I could stick with it. I did the Foundations classes for Pole, Lyra, and Hammocks. I enjoyed all of them but love the atmosphere and comradery.  I look forward to coming to classes instead of dreading it.

What do you enjoy doing outside of the studio? 

I really enjoy watching “trash”/reality TV.  I also go to a handful of events associated with MTV the Challenge and this year I am going to Hearts of Reality in December.   I also enjoy spending time with my daughter (she’s 13) which normally consists of visiting pools, waterparks, beaches, or any place near water.  I also love spending time with friends just hanging out, having a few drinks and good food.

What is your favorite thing about pole/aerial? 

I really enjoy that Rising Goddess makes the classes accessible to everyone. I was nervous when I joined because I was not in shape, but the instructors offer modifications so no matter what your skill set/body type is; they include you.   I also love the spin-off classes that are offered that allow us to work on building strength and increasing flexibility.  I love seeing the progression from when I started to now.