Experience the magic

of pole dance, aerial hammock, and aerial hoop!

Be confident, body proud, and authentically YOU

We are a movement sanctuary designed for exploration through pole, aerial dance, and mindfulness practices. Rooted in creativity, confidence, and meaningful connection, our mission is to empower who you are at your core when nothing is holding you back. We’re a positive, all inclusive, safe haven for discovering the freedom found in self expression.

You belong here. We can’t wait to meet you.

New to pole and aerial dance? Try a 4-Week Foundations Series!

In just 4 weeks, you’ll learn how to move gracefully with the apparatus of your choice and combine dance-based movements into a fun routine. Experience the amazing community at the studio as you bond over the start of your journey with your fellow classmates.

All of our Foundations series are beginner friendly, designed for exploring feminine energy, and created for those of all sizes, shapes and ability levels.

Ready to go? Here’s what’s coming up.

Pole Dance

Mondays 6:40pm-7:40pm

Tuesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm

Saturdays 11:50am-12:50pm

Aerial Hammock

Saturdays 9:00am-10:00am

Aerial Hoop (Lyra)

Sundays 9:00am-10:00am

[insert calendar here]

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(Y’know. The good stuff.)

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