Spinning your apparatus can add flair, flight, and play to your dance! And, for new ‘Spinsters,’ it can also add some unpredictability. Unlike the controlled stillness of being on a static apparatus, spin introduces dizzying dynamics requiring an added layer of strength and finesse. It’s a dance with gravity that can unlock new dimensions in your ongoing aerial practice. 

Our poles at the studio have two settings: static and spin. They’re easily switched between both modes. While you can perform many of the same moves on a spin pole that you can on a static pole, they will feel much different! 

Our aerial hammocks and aerial hoops are rigged to allow for spinning. Purposefully giving yourself some momentum to spin around can be a beautiful way to add movement and excitement to your aerial skills.

Remember that learning a new skill takes time – practice makes progress!

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you work at it, the more your body will become acclimated to spinning. And as when learning any new aerial skill, it takes time! Be patient and remember that practice makes progress. 

Keep reading for more tips on how to learn to spin with control and grace while minimizing dizziness. 

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Take it one step at a time as you get started. Start with the basics and listen to your body.

Go Easy!

Begin with the basics. Test the waters before jumping in headfirst (literally!). For pole, Essentials flow, floats, and early spins are a great place to start. For aerial, focus on Empower skills and try transitioning a few together.

Less Movement is More.

As you acclimate your body to stronger holds and new body mechanics in motion, go gently. Control is key! Practice small, controlled movements to build strength and confidence.

Find Your Center.

Understanding your center of gravity is crucial. Keep your core engaged and focus on maintaining a strong, stable center throughout your spin.

Use Your Limbs Wisely.

Your arms and legs play a significant role in controlling the speed and direction of your spin. Extend or retract your limbs to accelerate or decelerate your spin. Small adjustments can make a big difference. The bigger and longer you stretch yourself out, the slower the spin. The more you tuck in and make yourself small, the faster the spin.

Practice Static Holds.

Incorporate static holds into your practice to build strength and stability. Being able to hold a position statically will improve your control when adding motion.

Tips for Managing Dizziness

Everyone is different, so we encourage experimenting with the tips to find what works best for you!

Keep Your Head Steady.

Maintain a steady gaze during spins to avoid conflicting signals to your brain caused by visual cues. While a loose head may enhance aesthetics, a stable head ensures better balance.

Spin in Both Directions.

Incorporate spins in both directions to allow your inner ear fluid to adapt and balance itself out. This is particularly beneficial when performing on a spin pole.

Try Spotting.

Some people find that spotting can help reduce dizziness as they get started with spinning. Here’s how it works! Find a spot in front of you to focus your gaze on. Keep your gaze on it as long as you can while you start the spin. Then, once you can no longer keep looking at your spot, turn your head around to find that spot again as your body follows.

Anti-Nausea Solutions.

Everyone’s bodies are unique. Experiment with anti-nausea solutions that work for you! We recommend trying out some peppermint essential oil for aromatherapy (we have some in studio – just ask your instructor!) or trying ginger chews or tea. If you are still experiencing motion sickness, you can ask your doctor for recommendations. 

Additional Tips for Spinning Success

Stay Hydrated.

Spinning can be physically demanding, and staying hydrated helps maintain your stamina and reduces the risk of dizziness.

Listen to Your Body.

Pay attention to how your body feels. If you start feeling too dizzy or fatigued, take a break. Pushing through discomfort can lead to injury.

Celebrate Small Wins.

Progress may be slow, but every bit of improvement is worth celebrating. Recognize and appreciate the small milestones in your spinning journey.

Seek Feedback.

Don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from our instructors. They can provide valuable insights and tips to help you improve.


We hope these tips help you feel successful with your spin! Follow us on Instagram for more tips and inspiration for your aerial journey!

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