
This month’s Goddess Spotlight is Katie! Keep reading below to learn a little bit more about Katie. 💙

What inspires you?
My husband inspires me with his tenacity and strength through a hard medical diagnosis. The students who I work with inspire me as they are caring, intelligent, and hopeful. The ladies at RGF inspire me because they are so strong and beautiful. I hope that one day I can do what they can do! My friends and family inspire me as they cheer me on in all of the aspects of my life.
What brought you to RGF?
My sister-in-law has been taking classes at RGF for a while and she wanted to start Lyra. She invited me along for the foundations class. I started that class last year and haven’t left! I have never been in a fitness class, studio, or gym that felt like RGF feels. I walk in and people greet me and know my name even though I only come once a week. It is the most supportive environment that I have ever been a part of.
What do you enjoy doing outside of the studio?
I love to spend time with my family and 2 dogs. I craft with my Cricut. I started an Etsy shop, have done a few craft shows, and have sold a few things through social media. I read as much as my time allows. I’ve been really into mystery thrillers lately. I have a cool job as a school librarian that I truly enjoy. I have the best job in the school!
What is your favorite thing about pole/aerial?
I love how strong I feel when I am at class. I am doing things that I never thought my plus-size body could do. I feel so accomplished when I am able to do something for the first time. I love the ladies (students and teachers) who I take classes with. They are so encouraging and positive.